The Oscars – Full of Frills, Fans and Fantasy?

It was interesting to find out that George Clooney, a winner from this year’s Oscars said, ‘We are the ones who talked about Aids when it was only being whispered... We talked about civil rights... I'm proud to be part of this Academy, proud to be part of this community.’If we decipher these words what do we discover? Yes, it is wonderful that movie ‘stars’ and makers can bring into our homes points of social cause but I have to admit that I feel a sense of cynicism and contradiction when I see the world media going crazy over who is wearing what. Who is dating who. Who’s in and who’s out. The endless parties and ego trips or the ego trips and the endless parties!
It is good to raise awareness and in an increasingly celebrity obsessed world maybe they (the actors) can help focus peoples minds, but the double standards that they portray do not help.
It is not a case of envy, as being a super star comes with its own pressures but there is an opportunity for some calming down. Living the dream should not be at the expense of the rest of the world living out their nightmares.Last Thursday night I was out at a team building event, it started off at The Comedy Store in Leicester Square, London, UK. The show was not for the light hearted but it was good that many of the jokes steered away from anti-religious connotations. Instead, one of the five lined-up comedians suggested that although he enjoyed last summer’s Live8 concert, what value did Bill Gates bring to the event. He may have been unaware of both Bill and his wife Melinda’s commitment to the global vaccination project. Here we can see someone putting some of their money to good use. Please visit:
It is also true that many actors are goodwill and humanitarian ambassadors for the United Nations, for example: Angelina Jolie.
So, although there are people that are willing to help, the vast majority of corporations and sponsoring organisation sit silently amongst the glow of their product placements into both our movies and subsequent lives. Is there not time for us to ask for some corporate responsibility? Is it not time for us to stop the Oscar madness? Is it not time for us to realise that movies are stories and that actors are simply copying or emulating real lives. Their party going is another way to escape reality. The true reality is what we can achieve by the people for the people.
Frills, Fans and Fantasy cannot change the world. George is right that movies can create awareness and that his ‘little club’ helps. However, the true power lies in our personal ability to ‘push’ for change and not play to the fanfare of awards.
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