A year on 7/7
Much has happened since last years disgusting London bombing. Unfortunately, we are no closer to understanding the mentality of those involved. It is also unfortunate that that few initiatives appear to be in place to identify the reasons why the bombers did what they did.
This could be due to a number of reasons:
1. The media continue to use misrepresent general public opinion and avoid talking about communities where people are living peacefully.
2. Muslim or even non-white accomplishments are down played in the press.
3. Commentators, interviewees and community representatives are from ‘the chosen few’.
4. There is less focus on educational needs.
5. There needs to be more focus on the value / contribution that each member of a community brings to the UK.
The latter is something I’ve mentioned before. The media has its favourite’s. They chat to each other like old chums. Is there something more sinister at work? For example a hidden old boys and girls network, a jet set. Or is it that because many of them went to Oxford/Cambridge/Ivy league type educational establishments where their ticket to a podium is automatically allocated? Quite simply it may also be that those that shout the loudest tend to get heard.
Even if we look for those in the public eye (our already accomplished teachers, scientists, authors, researchers, doctors…) – where are the role models – those that set a positive view for their communities. These issues bare true for all segments of society.
Ethnic Minorities represent 7.9% of the UK population. They are a growing population with the majority living in London. Multi-ethnic representation continues to be marginalised. This in stark contrast to a survey commissioned by the BBC and in Ipsos 2003. For example:
- The fastest growing ethnic minority groups are Mixed Race, Black African, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Chinese
- Apparently, young black and South Asian origin people are much more ambitious and optimistic than their white counterparts and feel as much a part of British culture as white people.
- Viewing habits in ethnic minority homes are different from white households - for one thing, digital penetration is higher - perhaps due to targeted channels such as Zee TV.
- BBC ONE has the largest share of any channel in ethnic minority homes, followed by ITV, Channel 4, Channel Five and then BBC TWO.
- In terms of radio, ethnic minority listeners find garage, rap/hip hop and children's programming more appealing than the population as a whole.
- Young ethnic minority listeners are using new technologies to tune in more than young white people. Though black people in general are less likely to use the internet.
I noticed that Sir Ian Blair stated on Breakfast TV this morning (7/7) that he (paraphrased) was not confident that another attack could be prevented. However, he confirmed that other potential attacks have been halted.
Are we missing something here? Has anyone thought of using / opening up the current channels rather than continuing to intellectualise about the issues.
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